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Kamelot - Epica
When I finally got my hands on the new Kamelot: Epica, my joy was complete. Well, for starters, the album is based on a story from Johann Goethe, called Faust. On the album there are 3 main characters, who each will grow as the album plays. First we have Ariel, who wants to seek for eternal truth, second we have Helena, a beautiful woman send for Ariel and third we have Mephisto, the devil in disguise. The album starts with a prologue, as does every Kamelot album, except this prologue is fairly cutted and not that bombastic and long, but it�s a great opener for a magical song like Center Of The Universe, the single of the album, and already my personal favourite. In this song it�s based on the controversies between the Society ( or the Macro Kosmos) and the Individual (or the Micro Kosmos) The song starts out with a great opening riff and fast drums and great vocals by Khan. The next song is Farewell, a very fast and pounding song which the real head bangers will surely like. With a great chorus, this song is one of the better songs on the album. But I must say that almost every song is great. I surely do have some critics about this, because sometimes you just get lost in different riffs and have to rewind to pick up the music. For any untrained ear, it might be irritating, but not for me. On the album there are 4 interludes and now we get the first followed by the Edge Of Paradise. This song really rocks, as the drums/bass combo is very strong in this song and thus has a great rhythm. In this song Ariel is trying to find his salvation, and does that with the help of drugs. A great follow up is Wander, where Ariel finds out that drugs have a negative influence and now Ariel gets into a deep depression. A very tragical ballad with a great vocal performance. Next there is another interlude followed by Descent Of The Archangel, where the listener is confronted with Mephisto, the devil in disguise. This song is a very fast song with a nice intro, and some very relaxed moments in the guitar play. A Feast for the vain is a logical follow-up because now Mephisto organizes a feast at his Castle where he invites Ariel to join the feast. Blinded by his own sorrow, Ariel accepts. In the next song titled: On the Coldest Winter Night, we find the second Ballad on the album, where Khan sings about Helena, an old love from Ariel, and how they find each other again. Very tragically song because Ariel just sold his soul to the devil, and there is no turning back now. Lost And Damned is a great song with a pounding intro and some orchestral samples in it when it breaks into a very fast blur of guitar parts. It�s a complicated song, but a fairly good one too!! In the next song, Helena�s Theme there is a moment of great depression, because Helena commits suicide, and with that she takes the life of her unborn child too. The Mourning After continues with Ariel, who found out about the tragical news about his Helena. He falls into depression. The album ends with III ways to Epica where it�s told that there are 3 ways to reach it. You must see that Mephisto stands for Evil, Helena stands for Good and Ariel is the balancing force between it. I don�t think I need to say more about this album, it�s certainly one of the best releases of 2002 and Kamelot totally surprised me with it, great job guys. 1. Prologue 2. Center of the Universe 3. Farewell 4. Interlude I (Opiate Soul) 5. the Edge of Paradise 6. Wander 7. Interlude II (Omen) 8. Descent of the Archangel 9. Interlude III (At the Banquet) 10. A Feast for the Vain 11. On the Coldest Winter Night 12. Lost & Damned 13. Helenas Theme 14. Interlude IV (Dawn) 15. The Mourning After (Carry On) 16. III Ways to Epica Line Up: Vocals: Khan Guitar: Thomas Youngblood Bass: Glenn Barry Drums: Casey Grillo Review by Matko.
Kamelot - Epica
88/1001Details Sanctuary/Noise Records
Released on Tuesday Nov 30th, -0001

Writer @Buzzin Hornet on Thursday May 20th, 2004

Tags: #Kamelot
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